Join us for an immersive weekend experience where you can bring your less or unfiltered self forward, engage with others in the richness of connection and fun as we ground into our own inner wisdom.

During the course of the weekend, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in Authentic Relating, ART Circling, Somatic Movement and Expression, Contemplation exercises and more. This wide spectrum of activities, along with small circle sharing will help you welcome, reclaim and integrate your experiences. 

Some things available for you to experience are:

  • Gain access to deeper relationships (friendships, intimate, professional).
  • Improve your ability to communicate with others without filtering yourself.
  • Start to express your boundaries and have them heard.
  • Establish a new relationship with your body and movement
  • Experience more passion and vitality.
  • Honor your desires before others.
  • Avoid unsatisfying or disappointing relationships.
  • Stop hiding from friends and family.
  • Gain clarity with big decisions in your life.
  • Feel more understood by others.
  • Move from a perception of scarcity to one of abundance.
  • Gain a deeper connection and trust of your feelings.
  • Reconnect or deepen your connection with your spouse or partner.
  • Reconnect or deepen your connection to your job.
  • Reconnect or deepen your connection to the modern world we live in.
  • Gain clarity towards your purpose in life.

If any of these sound appealing to you (and we hope they do), then perhaps our weekend immersion is right for you. The sessions and exercises available to us will give access to increased self awareness, emotional expression, deep presence and inspiration to gain the tools and clarity we all desire to come into deeper connection with our power.

Some praise from past FCE’s:

  • “The leadership team was excellent, very present and trustworthy.”
  • “As someone who had huge personal expectations, my mind was blown apart by the overall experience. Very well done!”
  • “FCE made me feel myself.”
  • “I loved the experience and felt I connected with many people during the week-end.
  • The leadership team was excellent and provided a safe environment as well as opportunities for us the participants to get out of our comfort zones.”
  • “I loved it all! And I intend to pursue Circling on a regular basis.”


Quick-Draw Price (valid until Nov 24th) – $300 ($265.49 + HST) – Use Coupon Code: QUICKDRAW at Checkout

Regular Price (after Nov 24th) – $400 ($353.98 + HST)

Location: West End Toronto (Details on Completed Registration)